Magic Conference End User License Agreement (EULA)

  • Please read the following lines carefully before using this software. This End User License Agreement ("EULA") is a legal agreement between you, ("Customer" or "you"), and, MagicSys Technology Limited, Hong Kong. By installing, copying, or otherwise using any part of the above Software or any associated media, any printed materials, or any "online" or electronic documentation (the "Software"), you agree to be bound by the terms of this EULA. If you do not agree to the terms of this EULA, you are not allowed to use this program. You MUST then delete it immediately.
  • 使用本軟件前,請仔細閱讀以下協議。本最終用戶許可協議又簡稱協議,是您與,魔軟科技有限公司(香港) 之間的法律協議。一旦安裝,複製或以其它方式使用上述軟件或任何相關媒體,任何印刷材料,或任何"聯機"或電子文檔(軟件)的任何部份,即表示您同意本協議的條款約束。如您不同意本協議的條款,您不能使用這個軟件。您必須立即刪除它。


  • You have the right to test this program for a period of three month. You are allowed to copy this Trial-version (and ONLY the Trial version) and give it to any other person, as long as it is not modified in any way. Under modifications is understood the changing, adding or removing of any files of this package without the author's written permission. You are NOT allowed to pack this program together with a commercial program or a book.
  • 您有權對這個軟件進行三個月為期測試。只要它不被任何方式的修改,您可以複製此試用版(只有試用版),或轉給其他人。修改即為改變,添加或刪除任何文件,而未經作者書面許可。您不容許將其與一個商業應用程序或書籍一起打包這個軟件。

  • You are encouraged to put this program on as many BBS systems as possible. The distribution on CD-ROM is also permitted, as long as the original files are not changed in any way. Please let’s know if you want to distribute the program with a different installation program, changed files etc
  • 我們鼓勵您把這個軟件放在更多的BBS系統上。CD-ROM上的發佈也是允許的,只要原始文件不以任何方式改變。請讓我們知道,如果您想用不同的安裝程序發佈此軟件,修改文件等。

  • You acknowledge that any Trial version is merely a technology demonstration which may not be at the level of performance or compatibility of generally available MagicSys Technology Limited products. Trial Versions are provided strictly on an "as is" basis.
  • 您明白,任何試用版僅僅是一個技術示範,這可能不是正常魔法會議產品的性能和兼容性。試用版嚴格按照"現狀"的基礎上提供測試。

  • Use of this software after the trial period of one month is in violation of international Copyright law! It is also unfair to the author, who has spent hundreds of days developing this program.
  • 試用期後,仍繼續使用本軟件,是違反國際版權法!對作者花了數百天的工作是不公平的。

  • All features are included, but limited to 5 users, 3 rooms.
  • 此軟件提供所有功能,但只能同時5個用戶,3個房間。


  • This program is neither freeware nor public domain. Use after the 90 day trial period requires registration. The registration fee is referred to our website See How to register for details on registration and support.
  • 這個軟件既不免費也不是公共領域。使用90天的試用期後需要註冊標準費用請查找我們的網站。註冊和支援的詳細信息,請參閱如何註冊及支援。

  • Your computer must access internet, connect to server to make software activation. No activation will cause Magic Conference unsable.
  • 您的電腦必須接入互聯網,連接到 服務器進行軟件激活。沒有激活會導致魔法會議運作不正常。


  • Magic Conference can be installed on at most 1 computer. Therefore you need only one license to connect computers. If you have installed Magic Conference equal to or over 1 computer, you are not allowed to request REFUND.
  • 魔法會議最多可以安裝在 1 台計算機上。因此,您只需要一個授權許可。如果您已經安裝魔法會議於相等或超過一台電腦,您便不能要求退款。


  • You must agree to make activation between the Magic Conference installed computer and our activation server. Ensure your computer network is able to connect to our server If activation fail, you may not run the software correctly.
  • 您必須同意在己安裝魔法會議的電腦和我們的服務器之間進行激活。請確保您的計算機網絡能夠連接到我們的服務器。如果激活失敗,您可能無法正確運行軟件。


  • There is no additional license or multiple user licenses. If over installed, you need only simply purchase another single license. You need to keep recording which computer is using which registered license. Licenses and computers overlapping will decrease your allowed installations.
  • 此軟件並沒有額外或多個用戶許可證。如超出安裝數量,您只需要簡單地購買另一個單獨的許可證。您需要及時記錄電腦所使用的註冊許可。許可證和計算機重疊會降低您的允許安裝。


  • A. MagicSys Technology Limited grants you a limited warranty that the software will perform in substantial accordance with the accompanying documentation for 30 days following your receipt of the software. This is your only warranty.
  • A. 魔軟科技有限公司擔保,在正常使用的情況下,自售出之日起三十天內,其軟件載體無材料或工藝缺陷。經驗證確有缺陷時,魔軟科技有限公司的全部責任僅限更換其軟件載體作為對您的補償。因事故、濫用或錯誤應用導致的載體缺陷,售後擔保無效。除上述之外,本軟件不享受任何其他形式的售後擔保。

  • B. MagicSys Technology Limited's entire liability and your exclusive remedy for any claim you may have against MagicSys Technology Limited shall be, at MagicSys Technology Limited's option, (i) return of amounts paid for the applicable software; or (ii) repair or replacement of software which does not meet the above limited warranty; provided you return the software to MagicSys Technology Limited.
  • B. 魔軟科技有限公司的全部責任及您唯一的補償選項,(一)退回軟件的支付金額;或(二)維修或更換軟件不符合上述有限保修,及你必須退回軟件。

  • C. The software and the documentation sold with this publication are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness particular purpose. The entire risk arising out of the use or performance of this software remains with you. In no event will MagicSys Technology Limited or any of its suppliers be liable for any lost profits, lost savings, direct, incidental or indirect damages, or other economic or consequential damages, even if they have been advised of the possibility of such damages. MagicSys Technology Limited reserves the right to modify this document at any time without obligation to notify anyone. In no event shall MagicSys Technology Limited's or its suppliers' liability under this agreement exceed the sum of any amounts paid hereunder by you to MagicSys Technology Limited or the supplier. We try to keep our software as bug-free as possible. But it's a general rule (Murphy's), that no software ever is error free, and the number of errors increases with the complexity of the program. That's why we cannot guarantee that this software will run in every environment, on any Windows compatible machine, together with any other application, without producing errors. Any liability for damage of any sort is hereby denied. In any case, the liability is limited to the registration fee.
  • C. 本出版物軟件和文檔以"現狀"銷售,不保證任何明示或暗示的保證,包括但不限於適銷性和特定目的的隱含擔保,不承擔因使用本軟件或性能所產生的全部風險賠償責任。在任何情況下,魔軟科技有限公司或任何供應商的任何利潤損失承擔責任,儲蓄損失,直接的,偶然的或間接的損害賠償,或其他經濟或相應的損害賠償,即使他們已被告知可能發生此類損害。魔軟科技有限公司保留在任何時候修改這個文件的權利,而無需通知任何人。在任何情況下,魔軟科技有限公司或其供應商絕不就因使用或不能使用本軟件所引起的或有關的任何間接的、意外的、直接的、特殊的、懲罰性的或其它任何損害(包括但不限於因利潤損失、數據損失、營業中斷、計算機癱瘓或故障、商業信息的遺失而造成的損害,或因任何金錢上的損失或任何其它 損失而造成的損害)承擔賠償責任,最多只能退回軟件之註冊費。我們盡量保持我們的軟件沒有瑕疵。但眾所週知,沒有軟件是無瑕疵的,和瑕疵的數目與該程序的複雜性增加。我們不能保證此軟件將運行在任何環境下,任何Windows兼容的機器,連同任何其他應用程序,而不會產生瑕疵。特此拒絕任何形式的損壞承擔任何責任。在任何情況下,責任僅限於註冊費。


  • You may not decompile, disassemble, extract or otherwise reverse engineer any of the Software. You shall not have the right to obtain or use any source code for the Software, nor copy, reproduce, or distribute the Software except as provided above. You agree not to rent, lease, or loan the Software, nor use the Software to render time sharing of service bureau services. You may not use the Software in a software production "foundry" environment to make third party software ready for manufacture or installation. You may not make any commercial use of the Software code except as expressly permitted under this Agreement.
  • 您不能反編譯,反彙編,提取或其他反向工程此軟件。除了提供上述的權利,您不得取得或使用軟件的源代碼,也不能複製,再生或分發本軟件。您同意不以出租,租賃或貸款此軟件,也不能共享此軟件。您不能作任何商業用途,除本協議明確許可的軟件代碼。

  • Privacy Policy

  • We will not collect your personal information, will not collect mobile number and device information.
  • 我們不會收集閣下的私隱,包括不會收集手機號碼及設備上的硬件資訊。

  • We will not collect your personal information or device information, you provided user and password only for user identification.
  • 我們不會收集你個人的信息或手機上的信息,你提供的賬號及用戶密碼,只會用作身份識別。

  • Camera, mic., gps, storage access are granted for app to send message, MagConf will not access automatically until you take action.
  • 應用程序使用的攝像頭,麥克風,定位,檔案存取權,等等設備的授權使用,只用于閣下傳訊息到你選擇的接收者。

  • Our system is using 2048bit to encrypt message, we try our best to avoid message being breached.
  • 我們的系統是以 2048bit 的加密方式,將信息傳送到對方。儘量減少了資料外洩的可能性。

  • We will not collect your personal contacts on your mobile, and will not for other purpose. All organization contacts are already setup on MagConf server.
  • 我們不會收集你手機上的聯絡人,也不會作其他用途。你所看到的有關你組織的聯絡人,很早已經設置在 MagConf 的服務器上。

  • Message sending in or out will save on your organization server, will not keep on servers of MagicSys Technology. Your organization have the right to handle your data.
  • 你傳送及發送的信息,將會保留在服務器上,這是由於您正在使用企業,組織,學校,屋苑內提供的通訊系統,管有這些資料是組織本身的權利。

  • We use cookies to ONLY for user login identification, will not include user name, password, mobile or device information.
  • 我們會使用 cookie 來操作和提供我們的服務,只限於登入系統的身份識別,並不包括用戶名稱,密碼或手機號碼。


  • The Software and documentation is copyrighted by MagicSys Technology Limited. MagicSys Technology Limited's copyrights include, but are not necessarily limited to © 2015 MagicSys Technology Limited. All Rights Reserved. Making unauthorized copies is prohibited by law. No part of the software or documentation may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system or translated into any human or computer language without prior written permission of MagicSys Technology Limited.
  • 軟件和文檔的權利及擁有權之保留。魔軟科技有限公司的版權,包括但不局限於2015年魔軟科技有限公司(香港),保留所有權利。未經授權的拷貝是法律所禁止的。軟件或文檔的任何部份,不得複製,傳播,轉錄,存儲在檢索系統中或翻譯成任何人類或計算機語言,而沒有事先書面許可。

  • Please test this program with non-critical data. We cannot guarantee the safety of your data. Should you detect errors before registration, you accept them if you register. Any description of bugs will be accepted, but we cannot guarantee that we will be able to correct them.
  • 請與非關鍵數據測試此軟件。我們不能保證您的數據安全。如果您發現瑕疵,在您註冊之前,您必須接受他們。任何種類的瑕疵將被接受,但我們不能保證,我們將能夠糾正他們。


  • Alfee Kwok,, MagicSys Technology Limited, Hong Kong
  • 郭玟琦,, 魔軟科技有限公司(香港)
