Client Count: 83,755
Server Count: 36,361
Visit Count: 603,282
2024-07-15 released 3.0.21
2023-07-21 released 3.0.12
2022-04-13 released 3.0.0
2020-05-12 released 2.4.0
2018-01-04 released 2.3.0
2016-09-07 released 2.2.0
MagConf is a simple and fast system, no elegance.
To decrease memory usage, keep highest performance, we only handle minimum meeting data.
Due to no choice and no comparison, you can't find difference.
MagConf is now a new product, you can find difference.
Difference between MagConf and other net meeting
There are 4 type of login
1. Holder/Guest: Enterprise user need to discuss with external user, or group discussion in different area. Lesser feature then user mode.
2. User Mode: Highest login security, no guest or no holder diff. Allow offline send message and file, for enterprise internal usage.
3. Demo Mode: Major for demonstration, share screen, talk to guest only, control guest to turn on cam/mic.
4. Open Mode: No security, anyone can login this meeting room, for test or open discussion.
Go to settings, select option:
Startup MagConf when Windows Start
Auto Connect to Selected Server
1. Before you enter conference, study MagConf instruction.
2. Prepare your drink and accessories before meeting.
3. Prepare a headset and mic., perfect for voice streaming.
4. Ensure your background of webcam is simple, no colorful or debris.
5. Try to turn off device with noise, ie. tv or radio.
6. Try to make a login test on selected meeting room, self test your mic and headphone, adjust to a suitable value.
7. Adjust the webcam speed and resolution, avoid too much data going out.
8. Adjust your mic before meeting.
Go to setting button, adjust Motion Detect Tolerance, smaller value have larger send out frame. Enable Motion Detection on My Cam and display red box, adjust the value and observe the accuracy. This will highly decrease the bandwidth usage.
One to One Communication support single max 512G file size, public/guest/user mode support 100M file size, group user support 10M.
If you are holder or the dynamic password of MagConf's room is valid for a long time, you can login to selected room, go to setting, create a shortcut on desktop. Then make use of this shortcut, set run command on outlook or other program scheduler.
1 fixed public ip, for MagConf software license validation. This hardware server must allow to visit our domain to process validation.
Server side support Windows server 2003 and later. If users less than 10 people, a Windows XP computer can be run as server.
Min 2G disk space on server
Server side:
1. Support Windows 2003 and later. If users less than 10 people, Windows XP/Win7/8/10 computer can be run as server.
2. Save MagConf software copy and license key on server, then click mr.exe to start system. Input the license info and key on registration page, wait for to verify your key and your public ip.
3. User can login now. Ensure your server can reach and access internet.
Client side:
1. Extract or run client soft copy, then run MagConf.exe to start, no validation is needed.
2. Run once as Administrator when start MagConf.exe at the first time. If fail to startup in future, also run once again as Administrator.
3. If PC installed with antivirus, allow MagConf to run. If still fail, stop antivirus then run again MagConf.
First of all, save user list to Excel format, input user,description,password,email, then save your list to csv, and copy this list to setting.txt.
It is suggested to use email address(without domain) as user name, set default password to 123456. Then send emails to user, ask then to login MagConf and change password.
First of all, open/extract the server side download, do not overwrite files of current running system. Create another folder, copy all files of the extracted server download to this new folder.
Start mr.exe on the new folder, select another config, set different listen port and then click start.
Download the latest version, stop MagConf Server system service, replace all files on install folder. If MagConf server is run as service, copy mc.exe and overwrite mc1.exe and mc1a.exe
Flexible user maintenance: very easy to create/update/delete user on server.
Too simple user interface and no graphics, please beautify your design.
We used email to exchange information in the past, it would be affected by internet traffic congestion. We now use IM in our business, it highly increased our working performance.
Too complicated, should read menu before use.
How MagConf improve your business
The reason of "No"
Difference between MagConf and others
MagConf VS Standard
MagConf features and introduction
MagConf client download v3.0.12
MagConf server download v3.0.12
Support Win8/10/11/Server2012-2023
Test Now
Try our test server after client download
Open Server:
Invite Url:
Check All Room Password
System Demo
Online MagConf client side demonstration
Online MagConf server side demonstration
Download MagConf client side demo
Download MagConf server side demo
MagConf client simple instruction
MagConf server side setting script
MagConf webcam bandwidth calculation
MagConf End User License Agreement
©2008 MagicSys Technology Limited, copyright reserved.